小孩子期盼的聖誕節即將來臨,「聖誕老人」爸媽正要開始頭痛,英國知名百貨公司約翰路易斯(John Lewis)推出廣告,主打溫馨風格,影片中描述可愛男孩等不及送禮物給爸媽,引起網友熱烈討論。
種種可愛的表情與動作,透露出男孩焦急等待的心情,甚至連坐在沙發上也抖起腿來,奇怪的舉動讓他的爸媽好奇他到底怎麼了,影片還沒看完,或許大家會以為,這個男孩等待的是,聖誕老人送來的禮物。 這個溫馨廣告不落俗套,它的結尾並非是大家所想的如此,男孩最後拿出了包裝好的禮物,遞向了爸媽,這時大家才知道,原來他等待的是,送禮物給自己最親愛的爸媽;廣告打出了「等不及送出的禮物」(for gifts you can’t wait to give)的口號,此時更深得人心。
John Lewis Christmas Advert 2011 "For gifts you can't wait to give" There is something even more wonderful than receiving the perfect gift, and that is knowing you have found the perfect gift for someone you love. This year we have brought to life the feeling of excitement and anticipation you get when you have found that perfect gift for someone and cannot wait for Christmas day to arrive.
Our advert follows one little boy who is impatiently counting down to Christmas. We see him tapping his fingers, gazing out of the window, even trying to cast a spell on a clock to make time go faster, but to no avail. The track 'Please, Please, Please let me get what I want', was originally recorded by the Smiths, and has been rerecorded by emerging artist Slow Moving Millie.