
拍照時難免會有手震的時候,那一剎那難得的景象,就這樣一片模糊,怎麼不令人感到失望及喪氣?以後 Photoshop 可以幫忙挽救這樣的遺憾。 奧多比(Adobe)在 MAX 2011 大會中展示了 Photoshop 一項實驗中的新功能,可將模糊照片還原成清晰狀態。 在以下的影片中,奧多比以一張模糊的人群照片做示範,只點了幾個按鈕,就用 Photoshop 把該照片變為清晰,現場即時爆出讚賞!雖然從影片中無法明確看出,到底清晰到什麼程度,但從前後的對比,可看出差異不小。

據奧多比表示,這項功能會對照片做分析,推算出當快門按下時,發生的手震速度、位移方向及距離,繼而倒轉整個流程,達到復原的效果。 當然如果是對焦不正確所造成的模糊,這項功能也不可能神奇的把照片變成清晰,但大會中除了示範修正照片的模糊之外,也展示了將模糊文字恢復清晰的效果。 雖然已經於大會中展示,但奧多比並未確認此功能是否會在下一版的 Photoshop 中出現,但可預期的是,此功能應該會受到相當大的期待。

資料來源:Photoshop Will End Blurry Pics Forever

A blurred image is the worst. And no matter how steady you think your hand is, it can be easy to ruin a shot. Luckily, Adobe's cooking up a Photoshop feature that'll automatically eliminate blur. You won't believe your eyes. The motion blur-killer, demoed at the recent Adobe MAX 2011 conference, is experimental at this point. The Photoshop rep on stage won't say when it'll be implemented—only that they're working on it for some feature version. But it's absolutely incredible. With only a few clicks, a blurry image is quickly analyzed, allowed Photoshop to discern exactly how the image was messed up. That is to say, if you accidentally moved your hand slightly to the right and down while the shutter snapped, it'll pick that up. And then it reverses it—and that's the totally magical part.

It doesn't seem possible, but as if it's completely altering reality, the Photoshop deblurring compensates for the extraneous motion and gives you a completely crisp picture. It works on text too. Keep in mind that this won't fix your out of focus images—ones where you just have your lens set incorrectly—but works against motion blur. The potential for this is incredibly huge: no more ruined personal photos, and, hey, maybe we'll see the death of stupid blurry "leaked" gadget shots.


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